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  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 北京市 德外大街
  • 姓名: 郑先生
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



     Taian Wantong Industry Trading, Ltd.
           WAN TONG CASTING FORGING AND MACHINERY FITTING COMPANY is a special company which produces 
      and manages casting 、forging and machinery fittings ,We are strong in technical force and control
      the quality strictly .Our company includes iron casting factories 、steel casting factories、 precision
      casting factories 、forging factories and machine process factories etc, The main products are all
      kinds of steel casting (carbon steel 、alloy steel and stainless steel etc )、iron casting (gridiron
      and ductile iron etc )、precision casting and all kinds of forging ,stamping parts,and we also produce all kinds of crankshafts and metal craft、 cooking utensil etc .The main furnaces are several 0.15~5.0t electric furnaces used to smelt iron and steel :several 1.0~5.0Tcupola used to pudding ,air hammer die hammer oil pressing machine and punch etc ;all kinds of lathe 、miller ,planer 、grinder 、driller and numerical control tool etc (above used to forging );CNCP rocessing  sand pneuma produce line ,resin –coated sand cast produce line “V”mould line ,resin sand mould line and disamatic mould line (above used to casting );well type 、box type and trolley type resistance furnace (used to heat treatment )and the technique includes ann

    经营范围 公司主要经营, 进出口贸易


    企业经济性质: 法人代表或负责人:
    企业类型: 公司注册地:
    注册资金: 成立时间:
    员工人数: 月产量:
    年营业额: 年出口额:
    管理体系认证: 主要经营地点:
    主要客户: 厂房面积:
    是否提供OEM代加工: 开户银行:
    主营产品或服务: 进出口贸易